Join the A1 Scrubs familytoday by registering and
unlock a streamlined and personalized shopping experience that saves you time every time you shop at a1scrubs.com.
Registering allows you to move through the checkout process faster, keep track of your orders, enjoy exclusive members-only discounts, and receive up to $10 in store credit.
Exclusive Member Benefits (creating an account)
Faster Checkout: Skip the hassle of
entering your details each time. Our streamlined checkout process saves
you time, especially when you need to place quick orders. Just add your shipping /billing address information once and we'll save it for future orders.
We do not save your payment information.
Order History Access:Easily view your
past purchases and reorder your favorite items with just a few clicks.
Managing your orders has never been easier - whether ordering for yourself or the entire medical office.
Premium Perks for registered Users
Members-Only Discounts: Enjoy special offers
and discounts available exclusively to
registered users.
Earn Store Credit:As a thank you for
registering, earn up to $10 in store credit that automatically applies to future
purchases (please allow 7-10 business days for the credit to be added to
your account).
Don't miss out on the benefits and exclusive offers!
Register with A1 Scrubs today and enhance your shopping experience with faster checkouT and exclusive member benefits.
Our Commitment to Your Privacy We value your trust and are committed to protecting your personal
information. At A1 Scrubs, your information will never be sold, rented, or used
in any unauthorized manner.
A1 Scrubs has been proudly serving the men and women of the healthcare industry with the highest quality medical scrubs, competitive pricing and unparalleled customer service since 1997 - and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you!